Sunday, January 11, 2009

Talking about non violence ...over a shisha

Issa (meaning Jesus BTW), a Palestinian peace activist is one of our local contact. His experience in non-violent initiatives and dedication to the cause are impressive. Here are some quotes:
"If we need an Intifada it should be a non-violence intifada. A change always has its price. People schuld go on the streets. If all people of Hebron go to the streets, there is no army to stop them. But what we need is non violent resistance. When people tell you they are tired ask them what they are tired from. "
"If you ask yourself : What am I doing here?, realize that your job here is very important. Telling small storries is what makes a change. It makes a huge difference if you tell it to your friends an family and maybe they will do the same.It is not the media story, you are part of it and no one can tell you it is not true if you lived it. One of the most important tools of non-violence is advocacy and increasing awareness.

"I keep telling my Israeli friends: people here don't hate Jews. But you just happen to have very bad ambassadors in Hebron - settlers that harass, shoot, occupy houses, close the streets for Palestinians. What do you expect the people that suffer to do, give them flowers?"

"Replying to arguments, Jewish people always go back to 2000 years ago, like if Bible was a land registry office"

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